End of Summer review

Battle Line from the Zorndorf Project

August has come to a close and with it the Zorndorf Project has gone from concept to execution.  I have been less diligent in my updates this year, and failed to do my normal quarterly reflections.  The culmination of the Russian Army project has also opened some brain space towards working on other projects.  My goal is to take some time to tackle the backlog, but one never knows...

Productivity by Scale:   The current flood of 10mm and 18mm SYW figures is keeping me fairly close to projections.  If anything, I am behind in the other scales.  I have made some progress with the 28mm figure backlog, but 6mm is sorely lacking.

Productivity by Acquisition:  2018 is still dominating, but that is primarily from the Zorndorf project.  I need to tackle some 10mm ACW and 28mm Koreans to get more off the storage shelf.  

Project Report

28mm Imjin Koreans - Two regiments completed, but I still have the "Royal Guard" and some more cavalry that need attention.  28mm Samurai have currently taken priority, but I  need to knock out at least one more unit this year.

28mm Samurai- Playing  a few games of Test of Honour really got this project some more attention.  I completed all of my on-hand Sohei, and a lot of the available Cavalry.  I have some more cavalry as well as some Ona-Bugeisha pending.  I managed to focus on getting more Samurai complete, but  need to get those last few Ashigaru done as well.

28mm Kushite Egyptians- This one has stalled pretty hard as no figures have crossed the painting table yet this year.  Jon's first exposure to To the Strongest seemed rather positive, so I am planning on getting enough Chariots completed to face his Assyrians sometime in the next quarter.  

28mm World War II - I managed to avoid starting anything new, but I need to finish the last of my US Airborne support troops.  Following that, I need to paint some half-tracks and a couple tanks.

28mm Cold War -Base coated my T-72, and spruced up the M60A1.  If nothing else, I want to get my dismounted Russian Tankers done this year.

18mm SYW Russians - Done!  The army managed its first defeat last weekend and should receive similar abuse in the near future.  I have a few more units to do for other scenarios, but probably won't get to them this year.

10mm Seven Years War - Currently progressing well with several regiments completed for each side.  The major stumbling block is the lack of cavalry.  I am going to try and get at lease 2 regiments of each type done for both armies by the end of the year.

10mm ACW - I managed to complete my Wilder's Brigade detachment but little else.  I have some support units to complete.  As I write this I realize how far behind I am on getting the cavalry completed.  I have 3 US and 3 CSA regiments primered. Maybe with the Austrian Cav?

6mm Ancients - Nothing to see.  moving on...

6mm Napoleonics - lets keep moving shall we?

3mm Cold War - Another battalion of T-64's joined the GSFG.  I have painted a slew of MI-24s and AH-1s, I just need to solve my basing issues.  I am working on using a board game to drive some campaign play, so I should knock out of few of these in September as well.


  1. Very impressive roll up. Personally, I tend to focus more on the hobby during the fall and winter when the weather keeps me indoors.

    1. Me too! Summer and warm weather offer too many distractions.

    2. That is generally true for me, though I found myself with more time than usual this summer. Perhaps it means I will be able to take a bigger chunk out of these projects this year.

  2. You are making great progress in 2018! Getting your 18mm SYW Russian army finished is enough to call the year a success. As for your stalled Egyptians, I only recently put an Assyrian unit into the painting queue after a very long absence. Would be fun to see both of these Biblical armies on the gaming table.

    1. Agreed, I will get the Chariots knocked out and then I should have enough to field for a battle.

  3. Congrats, a very impressive job...and I LOVE your splendid Koreans!

    1. Thanks, I really need to get the rest of them done. The Royal guard figures are beautiful castings, I am just not sure if I can do the shields justice. It's a bit daunting.

  4. That Zorndorf battle line is an impressive statement of the painting progress for this year! The second half of the summer (I.e., after Historicon) I usually take off from wargaming. Last year was a bit of an exception as I needed to get started in the Spanish Napoleonic project, but I just touched a paintbrush to a figure tonight for the first time in almost 2 months!

    1. Painting is my relaxation method, so time off is less of a concern. It probably explains why I collect so much different stuff however.


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