Expanding and Improving Nabunaga's contingent

Another twelve Spearmen knocked out to bring the Oda's Ashigaru up to full strength.  I was really unhappy with how the soft metal spears were working, so I decided to use some of the Northstar steel pikes.  These are significantly longer than even the plastic spears that come with the Wargames Factory minis, so I thought they would work well for ""Oda Long Yari Ashigaru" like those seen in "Total War Shogun 2"

They look fine individually, but the unit as a whole is definitely chaotic.  Paired with the first unit, they look like a hedgehog:

I managed to pick up enough Oda decals to do all of the sashimono plus add a white mon to the top of the their helmets.  I considered adding transfers to their breastplates as well, but decided the juice wasn't worth the squeeze....  Too much work for too little effect. 

I did opt to add the Oda mon to the archer's breastplates, however as they have neither Sashimono nor helmets to reflect their allegiance.   

I am near the end of my available Ashigaru models, but I do need to add some Teppo (handguns) at some point to really declare them complete.  I should probably also finish painting my Oda Nobunaga figure as well....


  1. Jake! These Ashigaru really pop! The yellow banners with the blue clothing makes for a striking unit. Nice!

  2. Great looking ashigaru. The contrasting colours of blue with yellow really bring these figures to life.

    Cheers, Ross


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