Scratch Six Flattops!

Hiryu and Soryu
Six more aircraft carriers complete leaving me with just the Zuiho and a handful of Destroyers left to complete the boxes set.  I used several different on-line guides to get the patterns down for the decks.  The Zuiho will be painted up in its later-war camouflage pattern, thus it is still on the table awaiting detailing.  

Hosho and Ryujo

Shoho and Ryuho
Next up the US Cruisers and Capitol ships.  Hopefully they will take less than 10 years to complete....


  1. Those look great. I did some ww1 1/6000 ships and had fun with them. They don't get on to the table top nearly enough. I hope yours get to fight more than mine.

    1. It is doubtful. I have had these for more than a decade, and I still have the entire US Midway fleet pack to paint.

  2. Very impressive detailing on such tiny models. What are you considering for rules?

    1. I have an old laptop which is still running Shipbase III, which is still my favorite. I picked up Mongoose's Victory at Sea back in 2008/9 that I wanted to give a try someday.

    2. You know, I checked and I have a version of SBIV. Who knows if it will run on my current laptop.


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