Keeping my Qin up

Wheww!  Done.  This is the last full unit from my Watchful I Studios kickstarter from back in 2014.  I let this last unit languish for awhile, because I am me and that is how I roll.  Fortunately I have only four more figs to paint (to augment the two generals on foot and create a command stand) and that will complete the collection.  I also have three more light cavalry from Casting Room miniatures to bring me up to four total units to have enough to field two basic Impetus armies.

Long term, I do need to break down and get some chariots for this army.  Watchful I sells them for a premium, so I plan on holding out for someone else from the kickstarter to crack and purge their unpainted stuff.  Stay tuned I suppose.


  1. Time flies. Hard to believe you began this project two years ago. Very rewarding to see a project reach the gameable state. Good job!

    1. Technically I have only been working on the project for 1 year, as there was a big delay between completion of the KS and delivery of the miniatures. My goal is to get the last 7 minis done this month, and get them on the table by January 1st.

    2. Even better! It will be fun to see them on the table.

    3. Soon. Figs are printed, horses are done

  2. Great looking cavalry, persevering man!

  3. Qin-tessentials! Congrats on being nearly done with the project!

    1. Thanks. It is done to 4 figures at this point.


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