With summer slipping into fall, and Mason and I heading back to our respective classrooms, I thought I should take a pause to evaluate where I was with respect to my 2014 goals and see if I had a plan ahead to get caught up.
6mm French Cavalry (New sculpts) Completed
6mm French Imperial Guard -Completed
6mm Italian Guard and Infantry Corps - Completed
6mm Austrian Landwehr -Completed
6mm Fatamid Egyptians - Completed
28mm Crusader Force - Completed my original goals plus a few extra figs. I have since picked up two more boxes of crusaders, so I will need to finish them this year as well.
28mm Lansknecht - Army has sufficient elements to play a 300pt per side game of Impetus. I have some more artillery pieces and Gendarmes left to finish, however.
6mm Buildings - Completed Japanese and Middle Eastern buildings. still need to finish left over Western European structures.
15mm Fantasy -An albatross around my neck. I really should sell them off, but the boy likes to play with them, so they will remain.
1/285 WWII -Have not even touched them.
1/285 Modern -Have not even touched them,
15mm British War of 1812 -Have not touched this army yet, however I did manage to actually finish two units of Americans. Perhaps over Thanksgiving break.
15mm ACW - Have not touched
Rebase/Rehabilitate 28mm Bretonnian Army. -No progress
Complete Display Cases- I a managed to completed my wall of display cases as well as a number of slider shelves for my 6mm Armies. My Napoleonics collection, is already threatening to overwhelm the existing storage option, so something new will need to be done.
Doors for new cabinetry. My summer plans for this were a dismal failure.
Reduce unpainted project storage from 3 bins to 1 bin. -I have myself down to two storage bins, but so much more needs to be done.
Goal 1 - Complete unfinished projects. (I already own the figs)
Priority Projects6mm French Cavalry (New sculpts) Completed
6mm French Imperial Guard -Completed
6mm Italian Guard and Infantry Corps - Completed
6mm Austrian Landwehr -Completed
6mm Fatamid Egyptians - Completed
Rebase/Rehabilitate 28mm Warhammer Empire Cavalry.
28mm Crusader Force - Completed my original goals plus a few extra figs. I have since picked up two more boxes of crusaders, so I will need to finish them this year as well.
28mm Lansknecht - Army has sufficient elements to play a 300pt per side game of Impetus. I have some more artillery pieces and Gendarmes left to finish, however.
6mm Buildings - Completed Japanese and Middle Eastern buildings. still need to finish left over Western European structures.
15mm Buildings - Have not touched them, nor have I even tried to sell off the extras.
15mm Ikko Ikki - Goal was to have six units complete by October, I have yet to pursue any of these.
28mm Abayyid/Saracen Force - I am well past my Spring goal for completing these. I have all of the infantry I am going to do complete, but four units of Cavalry and a Stand of Camels sit half-finished on the shelf. I want to get these done in October.
15mm Ikko Ikki - Goal was to have six units complete by October, I have yet to pursue any of these.
28mm Abayyid/Saracen Force - I am well past my Spring goal for completing these. I have all of the infantry I am going to do complete, but four units of Cavalry and a Stand of Camels sit half-finished on the shelf. I want to get these done in October.
Secondary Projects
1/6000 WWII Naval -Just started to revisit these. I have almost completed all of the Japanese Cruisers and Destroyers and started on their American counterparts. I hope to get all the Battleships done as well, but the Carriers may take some time.
1/6000 WWII Naval -Just started to revisit these. I have almost completed all of the Japanese Cruisers and Destroyers and started on their American counterparts. I hope to get all the Battleships done as well, but the Carriers may take some time.
15mm Fantasy -An albatross around my neck. I really should sell them off, but the boy likes to play with them, so they will remain.
1/285 WWII -Have not even touched them.
1/285 Modern -Have not even touched them,
15mm British War of 1812 -Have not touched this army yet, however I did manage to actually finish two units of Americans. Perhaps over Thanksgiving break.
By-the-way projects (If the fancy takes me, but not a focus)
15mm ACW - Have not touched
Rebase/Rehabilitate 28mm Bretonnian Army. -No progress
Unplanned Successes
6mm Baden Napoleonics
6mm Crusaders
15mm American War of 1812 -2 Units of US Infantry
Goal 2 - Paint New army
The big winner here is probably my Saga Viking Army.Goal 3 - Eliminate the Clutter
Complete Display Cases- I a managed to completed my wall of display cases as well as a number of slider shelves for my 6mm Armies. My Napoleonics collection, is already threatening to overwhelm the existing storage option, so something new will need to be done.
Doors for new cabinetry. My summer plans for this were a dismal failure.
Reduce unpainted project storage from 3 bins to 1 bin. -I have myself down to two storage bins, but so much more needs to be done.
Reduce myself to no more than 2 scales/era! - I have a mental block against selling stuff I have already painted, and my packrat mentality often gets the better of me. I have gotten as far as collecting together my unpainted 15mm Renaissance and Medieval figures, but I still need to inventory them for sale. While painting my 15mm Americans for War of 1812, I started thinking about re-doing them in 6mm!
Overall, I am about a month behind where I wanted to be overall, and have precious little gaming to show for it. This December, I am going to force myself to gather together everything that went untouched this year to consider its future. MTF
I think you have done amazing work and make my aims and results look slim
Like you, I'm a pack rat when it comes to miniatures, buildings, terrain, etc.
ReplyDeleteMany interesting projects and you have made great progress. Really looking forward to seeing your camelry. Reducing to no more than two scales per era? Sounds reasonable. My loophole would be to expand the number of eras!
ReplyDeleteThe problem is I end up doing both....