Secret Santa arrives

Well it goes without saying that Ian at The Blog With No Name is awesome.  (In actuality he is brilliant and it his wife/organizer that is truly awesome.)  This is the second year for his Secret Santa project and I love the concept.  For those not in on it, several bloggers through our hats into the ring and his wife randomly assigned us to one another to provide a wargame based Secret Santa gift.  The brilliance is the guarantee that I will get at least one gift directly related to my hobby this year.

This years package arrived yesterday, a simple box from Scale Creep Miniatures.  Inside was the neatly wrapped package you see above.  Scale Creep is definitely upping their game.  I am not sure what it is, but I do know that it is of moderate heft and will be painted by January 1st 2014.

Last year's gift came directly from Baccus and was a great addition to my 6mm Celt Project.

This is what I like about this project.  I don't know what I am going to get, but chances are it is something I may not buy otherwise.  The result is a great addition or change of direction for a project.  In last years case it helped me maintain the momentum and complete a stalled project.  I only hope my target enjoys the gift I selected.

So to Ian I can confirm that my gift arrived, and to whoever sent it:  Thanks, I hope your Christmas is just as awesome.


  1. Cool! I wonder what you received?

    Say, are those the Foundry Landsknechts on your painting desk? Looking good!

    1. Yes they are dangerously close to being done.


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