Poor Knights of Christ and the Temple of Solomon

Happy 2014 everyone!  ...and just under the wire I have completed the first three units from my Secret Santa present.  In my gift were three packages of Norman Knights from Baccus; 1 each of the Charging Knights, Standing Knights and the Leader pack.  I opted to paint them up as Crusader Knights and Order Sergeants to accompany the 6mm Fatimids I have been working on.

The first two units were both done as mounted Templar Sergeants.  In the long term I plan on getting some of the new Templar-style knights from Baccus, so I thought these would make good auxiliaries.  I mounted them 5 to a stand in line to make them readily distinguishable from my 'shock' cavalry stands.

For the next unit, I opted to do a similar unit from the Knights of Calatrava.  I really like the scheme and they allow me to field some forces at the scale for Spanish battles as well.

I have two more units of Crusader Knights on the table to complete the set.  Thanks to you Secret Santa, good pick!


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