I have been seriously addicted to The History of Rome podcast these last several months. I just started a second run through, and the Republican era has begun it's siren call again. Last year I painted up, what I thought were all of my pre-Marian Baccus figs for a trade with a friend for his 15mm Medieval collection. Last month I started sorting through my backlog of Baccus Celts, and came upon a bag of these guys...
Just when I thought I got away, they drag me back in!......
There is nothing like a close-up to tell you to police up some excess flock... |
so of course, I added a pack of Velites to my last Baccus order
...and these are just nice sculpts. It's probably for the best as I just finished Lars Brownworth's
Lost to the West. It had me seriously considering ordering some late Roman figs for some 5th C. action. so many figs, so little time....
And just to share one of my own moments of minor anguish. I painted a unit of Slingers to add to my Celts/Spanish/Gauls only to look at the picture and notice this...
so some of them have failed their morale check, no worries I say
Sop some of them are using a "shot put" technique, where they start facing opposite the direction of their eventual throw?