TYW Project - Protestant Alliance Leadership

Gustavus Adolphus

An interesting addition in this project are the resin "named personality" figures produced for the Imperial and Protestant forces as well as the Royalists and Parliamentary leaders in the ECW.  These appear to be scaled down versions of the 28mm figures that Warlord already produces.  These are all single piece castings with each box containing five models. 

Ake Tott
They are very clean casts and paint up very nicely.  My only complaint is the lack of supporting ADCs, Standard bearers and/or heralds.  Such notable leaders really need the necessary straphangers to help their bases stand out on the table. I really didn't feel right basing them with the less detailed plastic figures from the boxed set, and the Peter Pig models similarly didn't fit very well. 

Louis de Bourbon

Christian IV of Denmark and Johann Georg I

As in interim step, I picked up some of the command models from the Swedish range in the "By Fire and Sword" collection from Poland.  

These are slightly less detailed figures, with the standard bearer and one trumpeter appearing a bit larger than the other models.  Otherwise they look presentable and work well to add a generic army commander and battalia commander to the Swedish contingent.  

I picked these up as a trial and I have a few similar figures coming in from Peter Pig I am going to use to get some similar stands made up for the Imperial Side.  

Thanks for looking. 


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