Weathering Desolation

Mongoose II surveys the ruins a once thriving city.

I have been playing with weathering powders a great deal of late, so I decided to use them to stimulate another stalled project.   In this case my 6mm urban terrain.

Russian CSOP secures the approaches into the ruins.  

I've had a collection of GW's old Adeptus Titanicus terrain for sitting around for a couple of decades now.  This includes the paper and plastic buildings from the original game as well as these ruined building pieces for a later iteration.  I used them originally for microarmor games of "Tank Charts" to make some ruined urban areas for our Eastern Front WWII campaigns.  I had a long term goal of building up enough pieces to do a ruined city scape for microarmor and/or Battletech games, so I opted to give it a whirl now.  (I found some plexiglass sheeting while cleaning the shop that spurred the memory over the summer.)
A lonely DHG Warhammer stands vigil during the 1st Succession War.

The base for these are 5.25" acrylic squares with the plastic terrain pieces and basing material glued on.  I sprayed them with grey auto primer,then went over the ruins with various inks.  I followed up with black soot and red rust weathering powders and got a fairly decent result.

I like the modular approach of going block by block at this scale, however storage will be an issue.  I have several bins of unfinished 6mm city buildings, so I can potentially build enough to do a pre and post destruction 4' by 4' board with what I have.  So many projects, so little time I suppose.
