Airborne LMG

Clearing up another missing piece for my Airborne platoon is this 0.30 cal Machine Gun team for Chain of command.  This is a Warlord games sculpt, and I opted to just base the entire crew as a single element rather than my typical individual bases.  I go back and forth on this when it comes to skirmish gaming, but I am starting to lean toward putting all of my crew serves on a single base.  It makes organization easier, and I dislike fiddling with prone minis anyway.  

Once again, I used the Warlord 101st Airborne decals for the models rather than doing my 'impressionist' patches by hand.  They work a little better on these models, though I haven't added any flags yet.  

I am looking forward to getting CoC back out on the table.  I just received some tokens and a hard copy of the rules in the mail, so I will now have to see if I can convince my son to have a go.  With that in mind, I am already working on expanding the collection to include a couple of British platoons as well. 


  1. Nice work, Jake! Hope your son enjoys or at least appreciates the game. I pushed a bunch of crates into the painting queue this week to use as Jump Off Points for CoC. One day, perhaps, we can get a FtF game in?

    Being out on the bike in the afternoon heat today, I was thinking we really out to rendezvous at Plummer for a trip down to Harrison and back. That is a safe activity, don't you think?

    1. I have finally gotten back on my bike as well. I am pretty sure we should be fine on a ride as the the UV light is rather lethal to the bug in question.

  2. A gorgeous LMG vignette, well done!

  3. I agree that gun crews tend to look better when integrated - you get that vignette effect.

    1. It does look nice, but the trade off is always the modularity on the table.


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