Runewars Cavalry

One step closer to completion, here we have the Human Cavalry figures that come in the basic set.  I have been working on these off and on for several months as I play with with the GW Constrast paints.  I based these models in AP Plate Armor and then hit them with a wash of Constrast Grey.  The horses are done with a collection of the various browns in the line.  I tried a mix of raw shade, shade over base color, and base color dry brushed over the shade.  Overall, thing using the contrast paints as a wash is working out best.

The reds are the opposite.  I did the cloaks in the Contrast Blood Angel red and then drybrushed with with AP Dragon Red.  It gives a fairly rich red color.

Just a few infantry figures to go at this point...


  1. Very impressive! The look great.

  2. These are a menacing looking bunch! Nice work!

  3. Cracking job, and awesome red shades!

  4. I don't think I'd want to see these chaps galloping straight for me. They came out great. I wonder if they'd benefit from a device on their shields? Maybe a rune in brass or fold?

    1. The shields are Mason's department. He claims to have a plan.

    2. Ah! It will be interesting to see what he comes up with!


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