Mounted Grenadiers

Another oddball unit finished.  This time it is the second stand of Converged Mounted Grenadiers.  Old Glory puts a few of these in every Austrian Dragoon pack, so I opted to deploy them as a single converged regiment.  The paint schemes are based on the four Dragoon regiments I have completed so far as well as the St Ignon Dragoons that are currently on the painting table. 
Several OOBs (including Hochkirch and Liegnitz) list a formation of "Converged Carabiniers and Horse Grenadiers" so this unit will serve as the placeholder for those engagements.

One more unit down.  I have another six units of cavalry base coated and  awaiting a change in the weather, so I can hit them with some varnish.  February may see this project come near to completion yet.   


  1. Mounted grenadiers, always an impressive unit...and this one is truly superb!

    1. Thanks. I always like adding some of the more unique elements to an army.

  2. Replies
    1. They always add some needed variety to a large project

  3. Wonderful cavalry, Jake. I love the green/red uniform - reminds me of Christmas time!

    1. Thanks, I am putting the finishing touches on their parent regiment.

  4. Horse Grenadiers are do 7 YW; gotta have some and these are great!

    1. They were an interesting surprise in the Old Glory cavalry packs. I have not seen them elsewhere yet.

    2. Nothing better than coming up with unique troops as am unexpected bonus!


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