Buddenbrock Currasier

More Prussian Cuirassiers from Pendraken miniatures this time.  The primary differences with Pendraken are the single horse/rider sculpts and the cast flag on the standard bearer.  I opted to do this group as the Buddenbrock Currasier based on both their campaign history and the distinctive red coloration compared to the Regiments I have completed so far. 

Pendraken cavalry comes in packs of 15, so I added an Old Glory Currassier as an 'officer' on teh secondary stand.  The difference is not significant enough to stand out beyond a foot of viewing distance.


  1. Another fine looking regiment of horse. How many cavalry regiments can you field now?

    1. Currently for the Prussians I have 4 Regiments of Curassier, 3 of Dragoons and 5 of Hussars. For the Austrians I have 6 regiments of Curassier, 4 of Dragoons and 4 Hussars. I have enough figures on-hand to do one more regiment of each.

  2. A project which just keeps giving....nice work🙂

    1. I am getting there. I just applied the Minwax to three more Infantry regiments and three cavalry regiments. Now for highlights and basing.

  3. Very nice, and astounding productivity!


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