More Austrian Grenadiers

Is the November half over already?   I have managed to finish a slew of 10mm figures to add to the SYW project.  Now I just need to finish basing them and adding Standards.  Thus, my first update being a unit that was half-based (baked?)  and needs no flags.  These grenadiers are part of the last group that needed 'upgrading' to meet the new figure density requirements.  I added another six strips in figures and used colors for the new musketeer regiments I am working on.  They look o.k. for now, but I am already considering changing the basing regime for the Grenadiers (again...)

I want to add some flexibility, and noticed that Jon's combined grenadiers form a 80mm frontage rather than the 120mm frontage of the other units.  I also want to distinguish the combined grenadiers from standing grenadier formations.  Right now I am leaning towards switching to 30mm squares for the grenadiers so I can make combined units with 3 stands (90mm) frontage.  This also makes organizing the units easier as I just need to paint three Grenadier strips to match whatever unit I am currently working on.  I am trying it out with the Prussian Regiments currently on the painting desk, so I will see how it works out over the next couple of weeks.  Until then I have a lot of Hussars to post. 


  1. Very cool looking Austrians. It's really interesting how the rear of the fur caps lend so much color to them while en masse.

    1. Agreed. It is also useful to help the Austrian player identify them from his side of the table.

  2. You are making great strides on this project. The Austrian grenadiers with their bearskin headgear add a lot of color to the White Menace. With so many 10mm figures crossing your painting desk, have you considered renaming your blog?

    1. I quietly renamed it several years ago. It used to be "Dartfrog's adventures in 6mm" now it is "Dartfrog's adventures in 6mm and such...." It is simply a case of "..and such" overwhelming the 6mm.

  3. Excellent work on the Grenadiers, the colours really pop.

  4. Wonderful and very impressive, splendid grendadiers!

  5. Being able to do the grenadiers is surely one of the attractions of painting the Austrian army from the 7 YW on! Well done.


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