Jazygier-Kumanier Hussars

As promised here is the first of a mass of hussars that crossed the table over the last week.  These were painted up as the Jazygier-Kumanier Hussars.  Five squadrons were present for the Battle of Kolin so they may get some use on the table.  In addition, the color mix of blue and red is striking enough to help them stand out on the table.  I admit that the uniforms are more important than the specific regiments for this collection as I want my hussars to be readily distinguishable on the tabletop as well breaking up the monotony of colors that are the Austrian Infantry and Curassiers.

Three more regiments to go....


  1. Very handsome hussars, Jake! I like your basing a lot.

    1. Thanks. I took inspiration from the 18mm Russian Project. I reorganised the horses from all the bags to put all the hussars on chargers.

  2. Quite lovely these dashing hussars are!

    1. Thanks, though it is easier to develop a splash of color with these than with your excellent 28s.

  3. Very handsome hussars, Jake. Color and variety are always high on m y criteria for unuit section when it comes to additions to my armies!

    1. Thanks. The multitude of colors was a welcome break from all those Austrian infantry...


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