Same Century Different Continent!

 A little more attention for the Renaissance collection from last month.  I managed to complete a Pike element using some armored Landsknecht from Casting Room Miniatures.  I included a Foundry sergeant and musician to complete the ensemble.  As with the handgunners, I tried to focus on mixing up the colors more, and even used the detail in the casting to create some patterns in the fabrics as well.  Given the scale and varied interests of my collection, I have found that I do not yet have the inclination to devote the time necessary to do the intricate individual patterns that Landsknecht really need.  Thus, I am still working on getting a similar effect through mass.

I haven't added any banners yet, as I still need to pick up the rest of the figures for the unit from Jon, which necessitates me actually playing a game against someone born in the same century in the near future!


  1. They came out well; nice color mix. The difference in anatomy between the CR figures and the two Foundry ones is readily apparent, though. Here I prefer the look of old Glory to the CR, but a painted Landsknecht unit by any manufacturer is a boon for sure!

    1. I concur on the anatomy. Wargames Foundry is a much higher level for sure. I think these CRM minis are much better than the Han Chinese, but Jon is right about the Normans. I think I like the Foundry pike best, but the CRM figs work well in blocks

  2. Stunning - and colorful - job, they look superb!

  3. Anatomy on some of the CRM figures is a bit wonky to my eye. Many of the CRM Renaissance figures I have (admittedly all cavalry) seem odd in positions and length of the limbs. Others, like the Normans are quite excellent. En Masse on the gaming table these oddities will disappear. Great addition! Are you planning two more such stands to form a pike block? This project is seeing work at my desk too.

    I like the colors!

    1. Yes, I am planning two more stands, then call the Pike good for awhile. I need to get all my light cavalry and handgunners done

  4. Oh, fantastic colours! I love Landsknecht climate :)


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