Finishing work in The Den

I took the opportunity presented by the long weekend to work on some of my larger scale projects.  I have often posted on my adventures in woodworking since moving to my new home.  My hobby space (referred to as "The Den" by myself and "The Man Cave" by the other members of the household.)  is also where I work on developing my woodworking skills.  My display cabinetry and shelving units have a very "evolution of man" feel as I look at my progression over time.  I consider all of the elements in the room to date to be placeholders for a future Den that looks like is was constructed by someone competent.

Up first, I finally finished the pine panels I use to cover my sand table.  I hope in doing so, I will be inspired to use it more for gaming and less for storing stuff as projects spin out of control.

On the organization side, I decided to finally make an effort to start learning how to make cabinet doors.  Doors are a wonderful way of making the unsightly and disorganized:

slightly less so,...

I started by stripping and refinishing some old Kitchen cabinet doors, and then progressed to making some of my own.  I have a few more to do to finally seal off all the storage cabinets.  From there it is finding a way to finally deal with terrain storage.  

Where it began


  1. Excellent progression from where it began. The room is looking quite tidy too. Your woodworking skills look quite competent to me.

    1. Careful camera work hides my most egregious sins.

  2. Really lovely work on the cabinets, and especially thee table. I can see the Geek Chic influence there. They came to Historicon.... once! I got to see their products first hand, and they are gorgeous. But the prices! Good Lord, who can afford one of those beauties?! Way, way over my pay grade as well!

    1. Yes, I was salivating over their work again today. I was getting some ideas for the "future game table mark II" I would really like to expand to a 5'x9' table space.

  3. Very jealous of your gamers den!

  4. Very nice work on the table and cupboards, good luck trying to contain the mess,something I'm having difficulty with to be honest!
    Best Iain


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