More from the Battleground WWII archive: Golan 1973

From the archive, this was the scenario brief I did for a Battleground WWII game back around 2000.  The figures I used were 1/72 scale Foundry Egyptian and Israeli infantry along with 1/72 scale plastic tanks and carriers.  The SAM battery was a stationary I-Hawk trailer located in the middle of a scratch built village.  I will have to look around to see what I did with the T-62 and M48 hit charts.


Date: October 11th, 1973
Time: 0430
Location: Golan Heights, Israeli-Syrian Border

Background: This is a hypothetical raid launched against a suspected Syrian SAM site. The Israelis had, by this point, blunted the Syrian Armored thrust and were launching a coordinated effort to destroy the Syrian’s Military and Civilian infrastructure in attempt to knock them out of the war before other Arab nations could be drawn into the conflict. Key to that operation was the ellimination and/or suppression of Syrian SA-6 Mobile launchers

Orders: Locate and Destroy the Syrian SAM site.

Game Length: 15 turns

Forces Available

2nd Platoon, C-Company
  • 1 Platoon Commander Uzi SMG (ML 14)
  • 1 Platoon Radio Operator, Uzi SMG (ML 12)
3 Squads of Infantry each with:
  • 1 SL w/Uzi SMG (ML14)
  • 1 ASL w/Uzi (ML 13)
  • 1 FN FAL (HB) (LMG) (ML 12)
  • 1 Belgian 3.5” Blindicid w/6 rounds(ML 12)
  • 6 Riflemen w/FN FAL (SLR) (ML 12)
    • 1 Rifleman has an M72 LAW

1 M3 ½ Track w/LCMG
2 M48A1 MBT (ML 14)

Close Air Support (Contact 14, Avail 10)
Company Mortars (Contact 16, Avail 12) 2 rounds Smoke, 3 rounds Frag


Date: October 11th, 1973
Time: 0430
Location: Golan Heights, Israeli-Syrian Border

Background: This is a hypothetical raid launched against a suspected Syrian SAM site. The Israelis had, by this point, blunted the Syrian Armored thrust and were launching a coordinated effort to destroy the Syrian’s Military and Civilian infrastructure in attempt to knock them out of the war before other Arab nations could be drawn into the conflict. Key to that operation was the ellimination and/or suppression of Syrian SA-6 Mobile launchers

Orders: Your platoon was badly decimated in the early phases of the attack. You have been reassigned to provide ground defense of a SAM site, until you can be reinforced. Protect the site from possible attack.

Game Length: 15 turns

Forces Available
  • 1 Platoon Commander SMG (ML 12)
  • 1 82mm Mortar (ML 10)
2 Squads of Infantry each with: (ML 10)
  • 1 SL w/SMG or AK-47(ML12)
  • 1 2-man PKM (LMG) Team
  • 1 2-man RPG-7 Team (6 rockets)
  • 5 Riflemen w/AK-47

1 T62 MBT (ML 14)
1 SA-6 Mobile Launcher*
  • The launcher can intercept Israeli Close Air, roll d20  10+ to drive off attack for 2 turns, 14+ to destroy aircraft and end Israeli close air coverage for duration of scenario.  

Special Rules:

The Syrians can deploy up to ½ of each squad in foxholes or bunkers outside the town. The remainder are inside the town, and cannot be activated until they are notified of enemy action.

The Syrians have 2 Bunkers, and up to 8 2”x 6” sections for mine fields. (Sections can be stacked to increase concealment and effectiveness)

The game starts just before dawn (+3 on spotting chart, reduced by 1 every 2 turns)


  1. Good trip down Memory Lane and great models. Are the photos from 2000 or today?

    1. These are new pictures. I have yet to locate my pictures from the original game. However, I do have a distinct memory of one of your squads pinned down by mortar fire in a minefield for most of the game.

    2. Yeah, I remember that episode very well...


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