Secret Santa Sohei

At last my first set of Secret Santa minis is complete.  My benefactor was more than generous with this gift providing not only a collection of Perry Sohei monks, but also some BTD Crusader Knights for my other project.  The Perry sculpts are nicely proportioned and have dynamic poses.  Excellent for skirmish gaming.

The set comes with three robed Sohei I plan to use as the Senior Sohei and Sohei from the Ronin list. They display flashes of armor beneath  their robes, so they fit the list well.

The other three figs lack the robes, and will serve well as Initiates.

I have eight archers to go to complete this set, although I am thinking of ordering another set of these to flesh out the force for playing Saga.


  1. Great to see your Secret Santa finished, well part of it anyway.

    Seems we all had a good one


    1. Indeed. Thanks to your and Cath for continuing to run this excellent program.

  2. I saw these in person on Sunday and Jake has done a bang-up job on these monks.

  3. Great looking Warrior Monks - looking forward to seeing those BTD Crusaders too

    1. Thanks Dean. They are just about done. Just need to do the highlights and basing for the last four.

  4. Very well done; they look great!


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