28mm Ikko Ikki

Time to clear the backlog from December and early January.  (Don't worry Secret Santa, the first wave is finally nearing completion)  First up is a squad of Ikko Ikki Warriors with Naganata.  I was inspired by the front cover of Osprey's Warrior Monks guide.  It shows a battle between the Ikko Ikki and a group of Sohei defending their shrine.  I plan to add a Warrior Monk extension to my Skirmish force, especially now with the addition of some Sohei from my Secret Santa!


  1. Nice looking troops...and bases!

  2. Very nicely painted, and the basing is great! - maybe one day I´ll find the courage to paint my Tamiya 1/35 samurai... :D Cheers!

    1. I have done Samurai in 6mm and 15mm for a reason. Trying to do them well in 28mm is quite daunting. They have a level of detail and color variety that I am not used to.

  3. Nice basing. What system are you using with these?

    1. Thanks. I assuming you are refrring to game system, so I just picked up a copy of Osprey''s Ronin. Otherwise there is a modification for Saga I found online that looks pretty good.


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