Following up with my plan to get the OOB for Raszyn, I've got three stands of combined Elites. I opted for two stands of Grenadiers and one of light infantry. I considered adding in Grenadiers in Bearskins for more period authenticity, but I want to maintain the "Polishness" of my small force.
In keeping with unique basing plan for easy ID I went with four Ranks of Grenadiers rather than the usual three. The figures have a mix of facings to reflect their ad hoc nature.
I also painted up a pack Artillery to give support to the force. I have three of foot, and one horse artillery.
For the horse artillery I decided to try something different: I used some of my French Chasseur castings to add a mounted artilleryman to the group. I think it works well enough that I modified my French Horse artillery stands to boot.
Seen here with the Cavalry Division |
Previously I simply used 3 crewmen to denote Horse Artillery rather than 4. |
The rest of the force is now on hold until I get my reinforcements from Baccus. I have a few appropriate models for leaders, but my quest for an appropriate model for the Prince continues...
A fine force for the GDW. I'm a fan of having at least one mounted figure on the crew base for HA in 28mm, and it makes even more sense in 6mm, I think!