I see a Baden Moon rising....

 It's been a long month of travel from sea to shining sea, but now it is time for an update.  My German Ally march continues with the first installment of Baden Cavalry: The Baden Hussars.  These are the updated French Hussar sculpt from Baccus and is much better detailed than the old models.  Still not as detailed as Adler, but they do make for a nice group.  My "photo studio" is not working as well as it used to, so it appears to be time for an update there as well.

My Baccus Wurttemberger order came in during my absence, so I will be finishing the Baden Dragoons and Artillery before conquering my next Germanic group.


  1. Nice Hussars; so Baaaaaad-en! :-)

    Waiting on the Perry's to hopefully make some 28mm Bavarian cavalry that I can co-opt for use as the Baden Light Dragoons...

    1. That's the nice part about this scale. The Wurttembergers are a pretty good substitution in 6mm

  2. One of the handsomest uniforms from the period. Not a bad combat record either.

  3. Very nice. I'd love to add some of these guys to my own 6mm collection. I'm more inspired to do so now!
    Do you base your guys for Polemos or for some other system?

    1. I was basing them on the Polemos 30mmx60mm bases, but have since moved to a 55mmx35mm to give more depth and body to the unit. I have tried several different rule sets and have not settled on a favorite yet. In essence, I am maintaining single unit basing and adapting my rules to fit.


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