More 6mm Guard Cavalry

Two more stands as the project nears completion. This time it is the Polish Lancers and the Chasseurs a Cheval.  Once again these are Adler Sculpts on the 35mmx55mm Bases I am transitioning to.  The Adler figures are always well detailed, although once again, the fine detail makes them somewhat fragile.  My Lancers lost two plumes: 1 in painting and 1 in the mounting process.   

As always, 6mm is more about impressionism than actual fine detail painting.  (Although I try)  I used Peter's guides from Blunders on the Danube as always.  Although not to the same level of detail.  I am still looking for a suitable source for some guidons for all of my Imperial Guard collection. 


  1. They came out very well - again, instantly recognizable!

    Fragile plumes are not limioed to 6mm; the OG Russian Hussars have very tall, thin, plumes that are also easily broken if care is not excercised in handling them!

    1. Thanks. I know they aren't limited, I just wish I could at least get them painted and based before they broke free...

  2. They certainly appear to be who they are intended to be. The Polish crimson shows up well against the blue; and the colpack red bags definitely have the right look. Best, Dean

  3. Cracking work, for me it's the horses tails


    1. The tails haven't broken free at this scale for me yet. My GW Empire army however does not have an unbroken tail in the mix.

  4. I'm way too anally retentive to let those two lancers go without their plumes. I'd HAVE to fix them!

    1. Now that I am up to 10k+ painted 6mm figs, I have had to come to live with it. So many broken bayonets!


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