15mm Samurai Update

Some more old figs coming off the back burner.  I have been thinking about doing an Ikko Ikki force, and wanted to add some peasant forces to my collection.  I had a large number of old Minifig Archers still waiting completion, so I wanted to find a way to make them interesting.

They are all the same casting, so I tried to do a mixed bag of color/pattern combinations to make them look like an Irregular group.

I am less than thrilled how my peasant levy turned out.  I picked these up painted off of a trade many moons ago.  They were painted with both acrylics and enamels and were rather rough looking.  I tried to even out the colors with some dark shade dip and touching up the corners. I added a little more detail to the cloaks to unify the look as well.   I have some more figures that just arrived from Brookehurst, so it is the beginnings of a decent force.

Also, Jon is trying to brave the storms to come down for a game tomorrow, so we are going to take a stab at scenarios 9-12 for Samurai Battles.  Here is the Second Battle of Azuki-zaka 1548.  I will clear out the red side to make room for Jon's epic Red Devils.


  1. That looks so cool! I am hoping the snow lets up before tomorrow.

  2. I am just hoping to make it home myself at this point...

  3. Let us hope that Mother Nature doesn't stand in the way of a great game!

    We had our snow last weekend and again on Tuesday - supposed to be 60 degrees here in CT on Sunday, then back to seasonable temperatures (20's) by Christmas Eve.

    1. We went from record snowfalls throughout the region on Friday to drizzle and fog for our delayed game-day Sunday.

  4. Replies
    1. It's the command and colors Mat from Hotz. It is actually 2 hexes too narrow width wise for Samurai Battles, but I have managed to accommodate it for at least 12 scenarios.


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