..we're going to need some more guys

First off : a shout out to Monty for the reinforcements..  They are now 50% complete.

Some allied reinforcements to support this growing arms race with Jon.  I opted to use all of the armored figures from another box of Conquest Games Norman Infantry (and one leftover BTD Knight) to create two units of FP Crusader Foot.  I also picked up some extra basing materials to spice up the large unit bases.


These guys were done as generic "Hollywood" crusaders (because I can...), and for those who still doubt I am serious about this project: Standards.  That's right I am actually taking the plunge of adding flags and standards to all of my stands.  These two I found on-line, printed in black and white and then tried to color within the lines.

I am generally happy with these plastic figs, although assembly and prep are about 40% of the total time with the figures.  That and I am constantly discovering new locations for flash and mold lines.


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