15mm Natives

One of my goals on starting this blog was to maintain the inspiration to paint.  Even while painting new stuff, I always keep some of my old projects on the table to complete using my leftover paint from the pallet.  Thus I have finally completed my War of 1812 warbands after 15 years.  I originally picked these up for a battle of Queenston Heights scenario I put together for Game Faire `98 in Spokane.  I have done them as fairly generic woodland natives so I can use them for any appropriate scenario.  This leaves me with only 8 partially completed US Infantry regiments to fill out and all of my British to re-base.  Perhaps in the fall...


  1. It must feel good to finally get them finished but 15 years?


    1. Um yeah... I have some Battletech figures that have been awaiting completion since 1986....

  2. Nicely done. Congratulations on completing such a long-standing project.

  3. Great basing of the warbands. I like them!


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