Kairserlich-en Good Part III

Here now, is the lion's share of my February efforts.  26 stands of Infantry in Shako.  I painted the equivalent  of another 7 stands which were used in the infantry squares or are still awaiting basing.

Most of these are mounted on 55x35mm stands for using with my 2in hex boards if I choose to take that route.  Given the shear volume of minis, I tried to go with some variation to see what I like best.  One focus, for example, was to do two to three of each facing color so I could reflect multiple battalions in the same regiment.  I also alternated between white and yellow standards (purely for visual identification) to separate 1st and 2nd battalions.

Three stands with Division Commanders attached

Hungarian and German battalions on the shorter stands)

Combined with the figures I have already done this gives me 55 stands of Line infantry (about 1/3 Hungarian to 2/3 German) 3 Stands of combined Grenediers, 3 of Grenze and 4 of Jaegers.  I plan on adding more regiments of Jaegers and Grenzers after Baccus releases the Landwehr and new Grenze sculpts.  Combined with the new Austrian casualty stands, it looks to be a big order.

With this project out of the way for now, I am now awaiting the arrival of my Adler Imperial Guard figures and Baccus Bavarian Corps.  Whichever arrives first establishes my goals for March 2013.  I am thinking about trying for a less taxing figure count however......


  1. Massive amount of work! I'm sure that's the sight Napoleon saw as the Austrian Corps bore down on him at Aspern-Essling.


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