Revisiting Test of Honour


Wise Old Man, Blacksmith and Deserter

Merry  Christmas to everyone.  As 2023 draws to a close, I decided to finish off several of the models I worked on while deployed over to Germany for most of 2022.  I took the opportunity to pick up miniatures I found interesting at the various game shops I found during my travels.    I also picked up some interesting paint sets to try out some different techniques.  

One such purchase was the "Unlikely Allies" set from Grey for Now Games for their updated Test of Honour rules (now that it is no longer produced by Warlord.)  I think I picked these up from a store near Karlsruhe.  I made for a good test piece as the models are very different from my usual Samurai and Ashigaru.  I also picked up Army Painters skin tone set, so I wanted to try some different techniques for painting fleshtones as well. 

Clan Envoy, Watchman and Hostess

I added some simple patterns to some of the clothing, but didn't get too wild.  I had limited painting space and lighting to work with at the time.  I found myself with a large collection of painted miniatures by the time I got ready to return last March, but didn't get  a chance to do much basing.  I boxed up all the minis to mail home, and they have essentially languished in their boxes since then.  Now they have been married up to some pre-made scenic bases so I am calling them complete.  

Ronin musketeer with a "Tokugawa Samurai" separate from the set. 

This is the first of several sets from Grey for Now I managed to paint, although most of my completed work was for the Skyrim miniatures game.  I am fairly happy with how they turned out, and basing these was a nice change of pace from the parade of TYW minis that have dominated the painting table this year.  I am slowly working my way back into a blogging rhythm as well as regular painting.  Perhaps I will get an actual game under my belt in 2024.  


  1. First class work on the clothing, congrats!

  2. Excellent work, Jake. The fabric patterns look perfect. Yes, we should get you back into a gaming rhythm.

    1. Thanks Jonathan, it is definitely in my goals for 2024. Just need to get my time organized.

  3. They look super, Jake. A glass of Sake to some actual games for 2024!

    1. Thanks Peter. I will toast to that as well. Although I seem to be out of Sake, perhaps Soju?


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