Following up with some Sohei

Priest (L) from Unlikely Allies and "Mounted Soburo"

Full disclosure:  I can't remember where I found this package of "Sohei Temple Guard"  and the blister of Musketeer reinforcements.  Hannover maybe?  I seem to recall finding a gamestore that also handled a massive mail order business and carried lots of Too Fat Lardies games and other historicals. 
Sergeant and Creed Bearer
These models were a nice place to start "Slap Chop" style painting and represent my first attempt combined with further efforts using the AP Skin Tone set.  It took several efforts to get the cloth where I wanted it and definitely reflects my limited lighting in my little apartment. 

Sohei Handgunners from a separate blister pack. 

I like the personality of the sculpts with this boxed set, which works well for skirmish play.  They stand out well from the rank and file of Perry Miniature's Sohei that make up the majority of my Sohei collection. 
Temple Guards with Tetsubo and No daichi

 I still have a two-sword equipped model from this set to complete, but he was set aside during my tour as I didn't want to attempt any drilling and pinning with my limited supplies.  Plenty of glued pastics by the time I was done, however. 

Thanks for looking. 


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