Braunschweig Infantry

Switching over to the Prussian side for a bit I managed to finish off  Infantry Regiment Nr 5 Braunschweig.   I am also trying something different with the Grenadiers moving forward.  Basically I am painting three strips mounted on a 30mm square for every Prussian regiment.  This should allow me to assemble Combined grenadier battalions where appropriate. 

It is also making organization and painting easier as I just have to set up 3 Popsicle sticks to paint each regiment:  2x 5 Strips of musketeers and 1x 2 Command Strips and 3 Grenadier Strips.  I am travelling more for work ,so this also makes my travel kit easier to maintain.  For my trip I just packed up four regiments worth of figs and 2 bottles of paint (Dk Blue and White), which worked just fine for my carry-on.  I tried the same thing with the cavalry (black and white paint), it works wonderfully to burn some hotel time and get the large-scale base coating done. 

I have also settled on a first battle to help direct the overall project:  The Battle of Chotusitz.  Not very original as many others have tackled it already, but I really enjoyed the multiple iterations of Mollwitz Jon hosted.  A chance to let Frederick's Curassier's seek redemption seems a good place to start. 


  1. Nice sense of mass and a good idea to make the Grenadiers dual function in terms of base layout.

    1. Thanks. Getting a good balance on basing schemes has long been a struggle with this hobby.

  2. Wow, you're really putting these fine SYW troops out in record time.

    1. Thanks. It really goes in fits and starts. Once I get on a roll, however, I can make some ground quickly. Old Glory's 10mm are fairly similar to baccus 6mm in that small detail is wasted.

  3. Once again, a very nice looking regiment! Does it fight as one unit of 4 stands (5 with Grenadiers), or as 2 battalions of 2 stabnds?

    That's 75 figures a pop!

    1. For Honours of War, I have 2 battalions per regiment with 2 60x30mm bases. The Grenadier stand is combined 1-3 others depending on the scenario. I was basing the grenadiers as converged units on 30x60s as well, but thought it would be easier to organize this way.


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