Pole Position

The next major contingent for the 1809 project is ready for deployment.  First up is my Duchy of Warsaw Cavalry Division.  Comprising 2 Regiments of Chasseurs, and 3 of lancers.

All of the Figures are Baccus this time; French Chasseurs and Austrian Uhlans. The biggest challenge I have identified is finding appropriate command figures. I have yet to find the right model to reflect Prince Poniatowski himself.  I suppose I could use the command fig from the Uhlan stand, but I would prefer something more ostentatious.   My end goal is 15 stands of Infantry (3 of converged Elites), Five Cavalry, five command stands and four Artillery Batteries.  I've got the lion's share complete awaiting basing, but discovered I was one bag of infantry short.


  1. I'm quite fond of my Own GDW cavalry, but feel a tug to add a unit of Murawski Uhlans... Yours are looking good, Jake.

    1. Thanks. There is just something cool about Uhlans...


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