Chechen Leader

 I finally got around to finishing the last model for the Chechen Fighters set I received from the Chechen War kickstarter from Tiny Model's Terrain.  I held off on this one as the original model was done raising a sword in the air, and it didn't quite fit as well for me. 

I was lacking in Modern firearms for doing a conversion, but managed to get a sprue of WWII weapons that included a shotgun.  I figure it does the job.

I clipped off the offending hand, and added a hilt to the scabbard at his belt.  The base also includes some new flock items I picked up from a recent Tamiya order:  Snow, Blasted Heath, and Rubble.  The results are of, but I think I will stick with the Snow past I have been using for the any further additions to this collection.

Currently the only remaining pieces from this set are a pair of AGS-17 launchers.  One I am trying to convert to a Gas-Mask to go along with the CBRN platoon I already own.  The other to a Soviet Paratrooper.  Long term goals I am sure.


  1. Nice conversion, looks natural


    1. Thanks. Hopefully I can achieve the same outcome for the AGS-17 gunners


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